McSAM Awards presented by Southern Roofing
The McSAM Awards showcase the best in sales and marketing throughout the Dallas Metroplex.
Celebrate the winners at the McSAM Awards gala on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at The Statler Dallas.
6:00pm Cocktails
7:00pm Dinner
8:00pm McSAM Awards
presented by
Southern Roofing
Tickets: $150 each/$1,500 table of 10
Staying the night at The Statler for McSAM? Be sure to secure your room via our McSAM Room Block available through the end of the day on 3/28. CLICK HERE to reserve your room now!
Attire: Black Tie
Questions about tickets or the event? Please contact Gena Godinez at
Registration closes April 12th and tickets CANNOT be purchased at the door.
Please visit if you’re interested in entering. Deadline is March 11.
Hourly Schedule
McSAM Awards
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm
- Cocktails
- 7:00pm - 8:00p.m.
- Dinner
- 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- McSAM Awards
- presented by StrucSure Home Warranty