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May 04 2023


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Member Cost: $199 / Non-Member: $299

Certification Hybrid Course: CAPS III – Details and Solutions for Livable Homes and Aging-in-Place (CAPS)


Advanced registration is required. If you plan to attend in person you will need to bring your laptop and charger, no exceptions. The in-person location is Dallas Builders Association (5816 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, TX 75093).

This course builds on the CAPS I & II courses by introducing design solution techniques, innovative products and best practices for product installation for CAPS professionals to use when creating livable spaces in which to age in place. Participants will engage in hands-on activities from real case studies to apply material learned in all CAPS courses.

By completing this course, participants will be able to:

Create comprehensive designs for aging-in-place projects.
Become familiar with available innovative and specialized products.
Practice design and installation for key components of in AIP home design.
Implement techniques of budget integration into design and product selection
Identify common missteps for design and installation of AIP solutions.
Review and apply solutions for common single-room modifications cases
Identify common installation considerations for modifications of a specified space.
Prioritize solutions in a whole house multi-generational case study while being compliant with budgetary constraints with consideration given to phased construction application.
Prioritize individual tasks relative to a projects budget and urgency.

Additional Credit Information:

0.6 AOTA CEUs. The National Association of Home Builders is a Registered Provider with the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA. Education distributors who would like to offer CEUs to their students for approved courses must inform NAHB at the same time the course(s) is scheduled.

Class  Instructor: Donny Mack, CAPS, CGP, CGR, GMB with Beaver Builders/Mac Professionals:

NAHB honors the top national instructors with the distinction of Master Instructor, Donny is one of twelve individuals how have earned this title. He has been remodeling homes for over 35 years and building new homes for over 20 years. His company, Beaver Builders, has performed remodeling projects from basic bath remodels to whole house renovations and built homes from the low $90’s to $1 million plus. His commercial projects range from pharmaceutical clean rooms to hospital renovations. Donny’s formal education includes an Associate in Science degree from Frank Phillips Jr. College, BBA in Strategical Management from the University of North Texas, and 2 years of Marketing courses from Texas Tech University.

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