Dallas BA Young Professionals Bowling Tournament
Play as a team of 5 bowlers for $300 or play as an individual for $60. Price includes food and 2 drink tickets.
Attendance capped at 50 members. Email membership@dallasbuilders.com to be added to the wait list.
Team registration and Happy Hour start at 6 PM. The Bowling Tournament begins at 6:30 PM.
***Attendees must follow all venue-enforced health & safety protocols located HERE and agree to be bound by the Dallas BA COVID19 waiver HERE.
If you have any questions about the event, potential partnerships, or tickets contact coleman.yates@dallasbuilders.com
2021 Dallas BA YP Bowling Tournament Drink Partners
2021 Dallas BA YP Bowling Tournament Dinner Partner
2021 Dallas BA YP Bowling Tournament Lane Partners
All partnership proceeds benefit the Dallas BA’s Collin College Scholarship Fund, which allows the next generation of our industry to pursue a career in construction.