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Dallas Builders Association
5816 W. Plano Pkwy. Plano, TX

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Mar 31 2021


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Member Cost: $199 / Non-Member: $299

Certification Virtual Course: CAPS III – Details and Solutions for Livable Homes and Aging-in-Place (CAPS)

This course builds on the CAPS I & II courses (which are prerequisites) by introducing design solution techniques, innovative products and best practices for product installation for CAPS professionals to use when creating livable spaces in which to age in place. Participants will engage in hands-on activities from real case studies to apply material learned in all CAPS courses.

By completing this course, participants will be able to:

Create comprehensive designs for aging in place projects.
Become familiar with available innovative and specialized products.
Practice design and installation for key components of in AIP home design.
Implement techniques of budget integration into design and product selection
Identify common missteps for design and installation of AIP solutions.
Review and apply solutions for common single-room modifications cases
Identify common installation considerations for modifications of a specified space.
Prioritize solutions in a whole house multi-generational case study while being compliant with budgetary constraints with consideration given to phased construction application.
Prioritize individual tasks relative to a projects budget and urgency.

Additional Credit Information:

0.6 AOTA CEUs. The National Association of Home Builders is a Registered Provider with the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products or clinical procedures by AOTA. Education distributors who would like to offer CEUs to their students for approved courses must inform NAHB at the same time the course(s) is scheduled.

Instructor: Tag Gilkeson, CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, Master CGP, Master CSP

Tag Gilkeson has been in the Real Estate and construction industry for over 20 years.  He has focused on increasing his skills through education for the last two decades. This has culminated with him having completed three college degrees which include two within this industry. He has one for Construction Management and another one in Architectural Drafting and Design.  His learning didn’t just stop there, he attained more certification through the NAHB than anyone in the entire country, 11 in total.

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