Professional Women In Building Council
Industry Trailblazers Panel
Susan Wright, First Woman President, Texas Association of Builders
Debora Trimpe, Ph. D., First Woman President, Dallas Builders Association
Heather Laminack, First Woman President, Greater Fort Worth Builders Association
PWB Members Bring a Guest and Win
PWB Members, bring a non-PWB member to our August meeting and be entered to win FREE attendance* to PWB meetings for one year and FREE PWB membership* for your guest.
*PWB Members, please add the name of your guest at the time of online registration if registering separately. Winning PWB member must maintain their PWB membership to redeem free attendance. If the winner’s PWB membership is dropped offer is voided. Attendance is for a 12 (twelve) month period from October 2023-September 2024 for regular meetings and does not include special events. Guests must be a member of the Dallas BA to be eligible to win a complimentary PWB membership and will be billed for renewal in September 2024.