Rally Day 2023
Every two years Dallas BA members travel en masse to Austin to join fellow builders and associate members from across the state in order to advocate the industry’s stance on housing related issues before the Legislature. This is a FREE event for Dallas BA members only and includes bus transportation to and from Austin, lunch, and dinner for attendees. Event registration is mandatory and must be made prior to March 15 to attend.
Partner with us for this event. Download the 2023 Rally Day Partnership form HERE.
QUESTIONS? Check out THIS VIDEO from EO Phil Crone answering the most frequently asked questions about Rally Day.
Hourly Schedule
Rally Day 2023
- 6:00am
- Bus Departs Dallas BA Offices to Austin, TX
- 9:00am
- Arrival at Texas State Capitol
- 10:00am
- Opening Rally Day Ceremony on East Lawn of the Capitol
- 11:30am
- Lunch at FUMC Family Life Center
- 1:00pm
- Legislative Meetings Begin
- 4:00pm
- Bus Departs from Austin to Dallas BA