Dallas BA COVID-19 Response

March 16 Update: Dallas BA COVID-19 Response

The Dallas BA is addressing the current spread of COVID-19. Our approach is guided by data and recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the US National Institute of Health (NIH) as well as state and local authorities. This is a very fluid situation with new developments changing the dynamic sometimes on an hourly basis. 

All Dallas BA events are canceled until April 30 in accordance with official recommendations and guidance. This includes the State of the Industry Summit, which has been rescheduled to Thursday, September 3, at the same venue and time. We, unfortunately, have to cancel this year’s Parade of Homes scheduled for Saturday, May 2 due to the uncertainty of social gatherings around that time. 

Other activities impacted include McSAM (rescheduled to August 29), the Crawfish Boil, After Hours and all scheduled division and council meetings. Committee meetings will be held virtually or rescheduled. Separate correspondence will be sent to those respective groups. 

The Dallas BA office will remain open. We are evaluating our options as it pertains to staffing levels and telecommuting. Those decisions will come at a later time and will be based on the aforementioned guidance as well as the health and safety of our team and their loved ones. 

Our office is in contact with local municipalities regarding the continuation of permitting and inspection services. As of now, every jurisdiction we have heard from will continue these services with enhanced sanitation procedures. Many have online systems that can continue to operate with the new norms of social distancing. The Dallas BA will continue to advocate for these core services to remain in place as long as practicable and advisable by health professionals.  

Your health and that of your loved ones is our primary concern. If you have any active flu symptoms, particularly fever or severe cough, we ask that you take all means necessary to avoid inadvertently spreading the illness. Please seek appropriate medical attention if warranted.

If you have high risk conditions that may be adversely impacted by COVID-19 – defined by CDC as “…Older adults [and] People who have serious chronic medical conditions like: Heart disease, Diabetes, Lung disease…” – we advise you to pay very close attention to the CDC’s recommendation. The same goes for those returning from affected locations. 

While interacting with others, please refrain from handshaking, hugging or other close contact. By suspending these usual social norms for the time being so we can do our part to prevent the illness from spreading to the most vulnerable members of our society and beyond the capacity of our health care system. For best practices in your workplace, please reference this resource created by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  

We’ll continue to keep you apprised of any changes if or when the situation warrants. 

Last Updated: March 16, 2020