
Dallas BA Tells State Legislators to Protect Texas Housing

Dallas Builders Association delegates journeyed to the State Capitol in Austin on March 29 as part of the Association’s Rally Day. Joining other HBAs from around the state, the message to our Texas Legislators was clear: Protect Texas Housing.

The Dallas BA service area includes the districts of a quarter of the members of the Texas Senate and one-fifth of the Texas House. As priority bills of the Texas Association of Builders (TAB) and the Dallas BA have recently begun hearings, including two on Rally Day, the show of economic strength our members provided was as important as ever.

Association members and staff reminded the Representatives and Senators that as Texas experiences unprecedented growth, the demand for housing at a price that families can afford must be considered by policy makers. And the economic benefits that new home construction and remodeling brings to the state cannot be ignored. Homebuilding provides $71.5 billion and 758,000 jobs in Texas annually.

Several needed pieces of legislation were the centerpiece of Rally Day conversations. Legislators were made aware of needed updates and reform to the Residential Construction Liability Act and the Statute of Repose so that construction defect disputes can be resolved, costly litigation avoided, and home builders who provide a strong written warranty have further protection from frivolous lawsuits. Dallas BA also asked state legislators to support legislation that ensures municipal and county development inspection fees are calculated in a manner consistent with the Texas Constitution and another that provides changes to the current building permit approval process timeline statute to protect homeowners from costly delays.

Just as important was the Association’s request that legislators oppose efforts that will negatively affect housing affordability and attainability through restrictive, unnecessary, and burdensome land-use and housing policies that would be an overreach by government.

Rally Day participants had the opportunity to attend the opening of Rally Day on the Capitol steps and hear comments from Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham. Dallas BA was also joined by the Greater Fort Worth Builders Association for some lunch and fellowship before heading into the afternoon’s meetings.

Top Photo: Dallas BA members with Rep. Brian Harrison at the TAB reception following Rally Day. Rep. Harrison is the son of Dallas BA Past President Ed Harrison.

2023 Rally Day Partners