
Metro East Division Donates Almost $88,500 to Lone Star CASA

The Metro East Division on June 18 presented a check for $88,471.79 to Lone Star CASA, a non-profit organization that provides trained volunteer advocates to children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.

All proceeds from Metro East’s May 18 Cars For CASA were donated to the organization. The vintage car, truck and bike show boasted approximately 400 entries and an attendance of over 3,000. This is one of the largest donations in the division’s 19-year history. To date Metro East has donated more than $910,200 to the group.

Metro East board member Dave Hambley of Lee Lighting, states, “CASA advocated for more than 210 children last year alone in our community. Next year will be our 20th anniversary, and we are already accepting sponsors for this monumental show!”

Cars for CASA has become one of the most successful auto shows in North Texas.

“We’re proud to play a role in helping CASA kids rebuild their lives,” said Hambley. “The show is a great way to support a worthy cause and raise awareness.”

Photo: The Metro East Division presents a donation of more than $88,000 to Lone Star CASA. From left are Larry Baty, Metro East Board; CASA volunteers Sandra Ownby and Betty Shupp; Dave Hambley, Metro East Board; Elizabeth Mosman, Lone Star CASA; Doug Bowerman and Gary Paschall, Metro East Board; former CASA Executive Director Lucille Bell; and Meredith Joyce, Metro East Board.