
Your Input Needed to Improve Dallas Permitting Process

Dallas BA members are strongly encouraged to sign up and speak at a special City of Dallas meeting scheduled for 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 31. Speakers need to register via this link by Friday at 5 p.m. to participate either in person at City Hall or virtually.

The meeting, which was set by the Government Performance and Financial Management Committee, will allow council members and city staff to hear directly from those impacted by nearly two years of significant delays to the residential and commercial permitting processes.

“This meeting is really important for builders to share their experience and identify specific problems and suggestions for improvement,” said Dallas BA Executive Officer Phil Crone. “They hear from me all the time, now they need to hear from you about the impact on your business and what you expect going forward.”

The Association has recommended the strategies listed below as ways the city can find necessary efficiencies. Those who would like to provide feedback but are unable to attend the hearing can submit their comments to info@dallasbuilders.com.

  • Permanently fill the Building Official position ASAP and pay them competitively.
  • Publish accurate prescreen and plan review timelines for residential and commercial projects.
  • Ensure the permitting system ProjectDoxs is intuitive such that all builders and contractors can submit
  • projects consistently and correctly on their own and obtain real-time and informative status updates and notifications.
  • Provide regular updates on ProjectDoxs improvements and procure industry/user feedback.
  • Ensure City Contracted Plan Reviewers are firing on all cylinders. Replace those who are not.
  • Utilize Private Provider Program that allows applicants to contract directly with third party plan reviewers.
  • Establish self-certification initiative for items incidental to residential and commercial development.
  • Find efficiencies for higher volume builders with similar plans. Explore strategies to make zoning review less complex and more predictable, especially in conservation districts.
  • Deploy “key performance indicators” identified by TREC, TEXO and Dallas BA by the end of 2022.
  • Avoid new policies that will further encumber the permitting/zoning process.