
Tim Lansford Named 2019 Designee Of The Year

The pinnacle for any type of recognition is when the annual recipient of an award is chosen. How do you choose such a person when you have so many worthy candidates?  Do you choose the person who has accomplished the most? Donated the most time or money to a worthy cause? What about the person who has made the most impact on the industry as a whole? What about their volunteer experience, should that be considered?

The Dallas Builders Association is no stranger to exemplary people within its organization of talented members. To choose one that stands out above them all would be a daunting task.  Fortunately, when it comes to certifications, achievement, volunteering and giving back, one name stands out above them all: Tim Lansford, CGB, GMB, CGR, CAPS, CGP, Master CGP, CGA, CSP, Master CSP, CMP, MIRM.

Tim has achieved something that no one in the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) 77-year history has ever achieved. He accumulated 11 of the 13 national designations that NAHB offers in less than 10 months.  

In 10 months, he went from zero designations to having 11 behind his name. Although, this is not without a massive effort on his part.  It involved traveling multiple times during the year, to multiple cities, to take multiple classes, spanning multiple days. He took over 22 classes in six different cities to accomplish this feat. 

It all started in January of 2018 when he took the Train the Trainer course that NAHB offers at the International Builders Show (IBS) in Orlando Florida. He watched as his friend and colleague, Tag Gilkeson, got recognition both in the classroom and on the show floor for having a few designations. Originally Tim had taken a handful of classes here and there, but he had done it for the education and not for the recognition. It hadn’t even occurred to him that it would bring credibility to what he does in his business or to his clients. 

Tim offers goal setting and accountability partnership to other business owners as part of his teaching and coaching services. As he started to work with Tag in one of his coaching session, Tim realized quite quickly that it was possible to achieve the same results Tag was aiming for. So  the two of them set off to achieve a very lofty goal of being the most decorated members that NAHB had within its over 140,000-member organization. It took a detailed plan with careful consideration for timing, travel, cost and even sequencing of the prerequisite classes. Even planning couldn’t predict the obstacles that they would have to overcome. 

There were missing classes that had been removed from the itinerary that were no longer taught through NAHB, but were, however, required to earn certain designations. One in particular was the 2-day Advanced Green Building: Building Science class.  To get this class, Tim convinced a qualified instructor to come to Dallas to teach a private session.   There were times throughout the year that he traveled back-to-back weekends to meet the required classes, but none of that prepared him for what he would face when it came to obtaining his last designation. 

The year culminated with taking the Master in Residential Marketing (MIRM) classes. This involved taking two full day classes, two  8-hr online classes, meeting a 50-point professional elective credits program and, finally, writing a case study on which the two full day classes were based. The case study had a deadline on submittal.  It was due no later than November 1st of 2018. 

The two MIRM classes being offered were so close to the deadline it required him to work tirelessly. In true Tim fashion, he wrote an 85-page case study over the weekend and submitted it before the deadline. This was truly unheard of as it often takes people several months of collecting data and sorting information before ever beginning to write their case study.  Tim completed the entire document within a 4-day weekend, putting in excess of 60 hours and working 16-hour days just to meet the required deadline. 

Now that he has accomplished such an amazing goal, Tim looks back on it with pride.  He says that calls to his office have increased due to being listed on the Dallas BA’s website as a builder with so many National designations. He says that it sets him apart from all the other builders within his area. It also gives him credibility with his clients, which is the ultimate goal. 

“…we always hear the excuse that people don’t have time to take classes and that’s exactly what they are – excuses.  It is an investment in you and your business from a marketing standpoint and the invaluable knowledge you will gain.”

Tim Lansford is a veteran home builder, remodeler and real estate broker with 25+ years in the industry. He has over three decades of applied leadership experience spanning multiple industries.   

 Tim is a National Trainer and owns a thriving full-service training and consulting firm. He has influenced thousands in successful leadership, business and sales.  Tim has presented his training programs to numerous Fortune 500 companies, colleges and universities, government agencies and defense and military organizations. 

 Tim is a speaker at residential construction industry events, including The International Builders’ Show®.  He also conducts regular educational sessions for NAHB.

Tim has been the on-air talent and host for two Dallas real estate radio shows.  Tim is active in (NAHB, National Association of Remodelers Institute, National Association of Realtors, National Speaker Association, Society for Human Resource Management, Toastmasters and many state/local associations and charities. 

Tim enjoys spending time with his wife and his beautiful young twins.  Tim’s hobbies include developing training programs, reading, learning, traveling, golfing and riding his Harley.

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